AWS Certified Solutions Architect  Associate Course Topics :

1) Introduction to AWS  Cloud / AWS Account / AWS Management Console

2) Amazon EC2 ( Elastic Compute Cloude ):  Concept and Configuration

3) Amazon Storage :     > S3 :  Simple Storage Service           >  Glacier

4) Amazon VPC Subnets , ACL , Routing Rules , Security Group

5 ) Amazon CloudFront / Cloudwatch Monitoring Service

6) Amazon ELB ( Elastic Load Balancing )

7) Amazon Database Services : > RDS > DynamoDB > Elasticache > Redshift

8) AWS IAM ( Identity and Access Management )

 9) AWS Application Services : > SES > SNS > SQS > Puppet Application

10) Orchestration and Automation

11) Cost Estimation using Simple Monthly Calculator.

Hands On Activity :

  • Creating a VPC , Creating Instances on EC2 .
  • Configuring all necessary services , attaching EBS volumes , Elastic IPs.
  • Creating S3 Bucket , Putting and getting objects from S3 , Hosting a static website on S3.
  • Configuration of auto-scaling rules and using them to automatically scale EC2 instances.
  • Configuring IAM users , groups and policies secret keys and API Access.
  • Configuring connectivity between On-permise and cloud applications.
  • Creating and working with Cloudformation templates and deploying a stack using them.
  • Configuring Simple Email Service ( SES).
  • Configuratng automation using puppet.
  • Deploying a 3-tier web- aaplication  using AWS services.
  • Autmated deployment of Test/Dev environments using Vagrant/Chef/AWS.
  • Cost Calculation for deployment of  any AWS solution .